No More Shin Splints! Chose the Right Shoe.

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Wearing the right shoes while you exercise, especially if you are runner, can end up saving you a lot of pain and suffering in the long run.  In order to find a shoe that truly fits, you should avoid picking a shoe simply because it is a popular style or it aesthetically looks niece. When it comes to running shoes, you need them 300 miles or so, even if the outside of the shoe does not seem to be worn down. Overtime, a shoe loses its cushioning and this causes you to develop a range of different injures: backaches, skin splints, knee problems and more.

The first step in finding the right shoe is to determine what type of foot you have.  To find out, get one of your feet wet and place it down on a dark surface. If you have one, a brown paper bag would be ideal to use.  Study the print your foot makes and try to match it to one of the three images shown below.


Based on what type of arch you have, you can find the natural rolling of your feet.  In a runner’s terminology, the natural rolling of the foot is referred to as the pronation of the foot.  Someone with flat feet will have over pronation, which means that their feet roll too far forward. On the other hand, people with a high arch will have under pronation; their feet don’t roll completely from the heel to toe.

When you are running, the impact on your feet is about five times your body weight.  The foot’s arch is the natural shock absorber that helps cushion the impact. So if you are flatfooted or have a high arch, it wouldn’t be a surprise if you experience some discomfort.


Flat Fleet

Someone with flat fleet has no arch to cushion the impact of his or her weight against the pavement. The force of their feet hitting the pavement twists the ankle and radiates up into the knee.  If you have flat feet, chose athletic shoes that are:

Stability controlled: some stability controlled shoes work great for a flatfooted person. There is no harm trying some on before you move to a motioned controlled shoe.

Motioned controlled: these shoes are similar to stability controlled shoes, but they offer more support and have advanced sole construction that locks the foot in place.

High Arch

For most people, having a high arch is less of a problem than having a flat foot.  If you have a high arch, you are less likely to experience knee pain. However, down the road the wear and tear of running will catch up to someone with a high arch.  To avoid future problems, someone with a high arch should chose athletic shoes that have:

Extra support: slightly motioned controlled shoes may be a good choice.

Additional cushioning: this will protect your body against long-term wear and tear.

Having the right running shoes will make a world of difference, especially if you are currently wearing the wrong shoes now. Even if you are only an occasional runner, the right shoes will protect you body from unnecessary injury and pain.  It is absolutely worth it to invest in a pair of running shoes that fit you and offer the proper amount of support. If you find that you are often in pain or discomfort after running, it is a sure sign that your shoes are not right for you.


When you go out to buy new shoes, avoid going to big sports stores like Modell’s that will most likely fit you with a generic pair of sneakers.  Instead, visit a running store that will actually be able to find the right running sneaker for you.

Check back next Friday for more weekly health tips. Make sure to check out the other posts on this blog and visit Dr. Abroon’s website to learn more about how you can improve your health and fitness