A Health Screening Can Help Identify Employees for a Rigorous Jobs

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Certain industries rely on good physical health and fitness for employees who need to perform rigorous activities. Respiratory ailments, blood sugar handling issues and certain chronic conditions can lead to an increased risk of workplace accidents. At the same time a certain level of fitness might be required for a potential employee to perform their duties.

Here at Dr. John Abroon’s clinic on New York City’s Upper Eastside, our physician can perform employee health screenings to qualify an individual for employment in your company. The screening process can include checking for high blood pressure, cholesterol panels, determining blood glucose levels, general body composition and essential lung function as well as other diagnostics.

In some instances a health screening can help detect a developing or preexisting condition, which might be a factor in qualifying the employee for health insurance benefits. In some of these cases catching an undiagnosed problem early can help improve treatment options and treatment success rates.

The health screening can also be a good opportunity to update a qualifying employee’s medical history or track a factor in their future medical checkups.

If you are an employer in the New York City, area and you need to qualify an employee for a physically demanding job, you should call (212) 288-0900 to set up an employee health screening with Dr. John Abroon M.D.