As a Designated United States Civil Surgeon, Our Doctor Performs Medical Testing for Immigrants

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Did you know that Dr. John Abroon is a Designated USCIS, Designated United States Civil Surgeon? This means he performs the required medical testing for patients seeking a green card and immigration examination. Per his credentials, Dr. Abroon is a civil surgeon for both the United States Department of Homeland Security as well as the United States Citizenship and Immigration Service.

For aliens seeking to enter the U.S. and or apply for residency in the country, the USCIS requires a medical examination. Whether or not you need a medical exam depends on the immigrant benefit you are seeking. For potential immigrants, the medical exam in the U.S. needs to be done by a civil surgeon, like Dr. Abroon, who has been designated by USCIS.

Dr. Abroon follows the required medical exam as determined by the USCIS guidelines, although those may vary depending on certain components.

NOTE: Even though Covid is still ongoing, civil surgeons cannot perform a medical examination for immigrants using telemedicine. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, you will need to come in and have the physical examination performed in person.

Medical Exam Fees

The cost for this medical exam is $500. This does include the cost of the following:

-i-693 forms
-The physical examination
-Tuberculosis skin test
-Syphilis blood test
-Gonorrhea urine test

If you have not received your required immunizations those will need to be done and charged additionally. Also, if you need to have chest X-rays or additional blood work, those will also be charged additionally.

Who needs Immunizations?

-Measles, Mumps, Rubella Vaccine
-Tetanus/Diptheria Vaccine
-Varicella (chickenpox) Vaccine
-Seasonal Influenza

-Rotavirus Vaccine
-Measles, Mumps, Rubella Vaccine
-Tetanus, Diphtheria, Pertussis Vaccine
-Polio Vaccine
-Haemophilus Influenzae Type B Vaccine
-Hepatitis Vaccine
-Hepatitis A Vaccine
-Pneumococcal Vaccine

Most insurance companies do not cover the Immigration Medical Exam so you will need to provide out-of-pocket payment at the time of your visit. Please bring the following:

-Photo I.D.
-Passport (or federally approved documentation)
-Past immunization/medical records (translated into English)

What to Expect

Following your medical examination, you will need to come back into the office 48 hours afterward. At this visit, Dr.Abroon will review your TB Skin test results with you. Should you test positive, you will need a chest X-ray and possibly more blood work. Please call (212) 288-0900 to learn more or to schedule an appointment for your medical examination in New York, NY.