Recently the public in general has been increasingly concerned about the possibility that the vaccinations that their doctor is giving them or their child will have a harmful effect. Experts in the medical field are frustrated by this “phobia” fear of vaccinations, because anyone with the scientific knowledge knows that vaccinations are not only necessary but can prevent the widespread outbreak of infectious diseases.  Over the years, people have come to associate the measles-mumps-rubella (MMR) vaccination as a cause of autism. This belief is entirely false and built upon faulty research. The Lancet, a leading online medical journal that originally published the study citing the vaccination as a cause for Autism, recently retracted their claim. The 1998 study that first marked the MMR vaccination as possibly harmful should no longer be considered valid.
The New England Journal of Medicine wrote that there has always been a fear of vaccinations since the first small pox shot was administered in 1796. Throughout the years, those with a better understanding of the benefits of vaccinations and the science behind how they work have been better able to except their use. For those who are not scientifically up to date, the idea of getting a vaccination can be scary. But no one should avoid having their child or children receive vaccinations on the proper schedule provided by their doctor. Even adults who have missed vaccinations should talk to their doctors to see what they might need to prevent coming down with an infectious disease. Fear of vacations not only causes sickness for the one person who fails to get vaccinated, but also lead to widespread outbreaks. In the US, outbreaks of the whooping cough could have been prevented if more people went in and got vaccinated, as they should have. For children, the US Center for Disease Control and Prevention recommends a daunting vaccination schedule for many parents. Before the child’s sixth birthday, it is advised that they receive eleven vaccinations in multiple dosages. It is natural that a parent would want to protect their children from any harm whatsoever, but at the same time it is important to consider that that vaccinations are not bad and are necessary to protect a child. In past generations, the effects of vaccinations have been easier to see as people stopped dying from infectious diseases. Despite what you may think, without proper vaccinations, you can still catch many deadly infectious diseases in the world today. Schedule a visit with Dr. John Abroon to catch up on your immunizations and talk to him further. Regardless of your age, it is never to late to protect yourself.